Thursday, June 27, 2013


Alright ladies and gents. Are there even any gents reading this? Meh, whatever, I wanted to let you know I just finished another chapter and am about half way through another. These chapters were hard to come up with, harder yet to type then there's still revisions yet to do. I almost feel mean for doing this to my readers but as ya'll know I like to keep some stuff real. My muse has decided to come back and *looks around furtively* I've been ignoring house work to let her run free. Shame on me but not really *grin* I just wanted to let you  know I'm not dead and that when you get to this chapter you are soooo going to hate me.

No they're not breaking up...sheesh

No neither one of them are dying....sheesh *rolls eyes*

No they don't lose the baby...sheesh....



  1. Great to see another post on your blog - but what a tease! Housework never ends, so a delay doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things. At least, that's my mantra :)

  2. Thanks Diko for the update. I am glad you are still alive and writing. Nice little tease there. ;-)

    I'll be watching for another one soon.


  3. I dont care how long it takes. I am waiting patiently. I check weekly to see if there are updates. I love your writing so its cool. I have other authors that I wait on also. Take you time your true fans will be here. ;)
