Monday, May 20, 2013


Here in the last few days or weeks I've gotten a few reviews for Espionage. Yes, I know it's been a year and yes I understand you guys are antsy. I really do appreciate your patience but I must tell you the life has been hectic and full of pain. I spent two months is physical therapy. Days when I wasn't in therapy, I was vomiting from pain. You know you want to write while you're in that much pain, right? Let's not forget holidays, taking of my son who has special needs (it can take up to three hours to get his meds into him), dealing with his doctors appointments and mine. If you have a chronic illness you know this isn't a once a year thing. This is two or three times a month thing now multiply that by two.

I really do appreciate my readers, I love you guys to death and I'm not trying to be mean but doing the guilt thing only pisses me off. I'm glad you like my story but ticking me off or using guilt or any other type of manipulation even if unintentional has negative kick backs. I dig in my heels, glare at the screen then go and crochet. I'm working as hard and as fast as I can. The story is an emotional roller coaster and some parts were written in Second Comes Marriage and not in Hunted first. So I know it's coming and I really don't want it too. No, I'm not telling you what it is =P. But there is a lot going on in the story. I'm hoping that once I get past this point that it will come much faster *crosses fingers*

So, to those who patiently wait, thank you.
To those who aren't well sucks to be ya'll cos you can't make me work any faster.......

Sorry if it sounds mean but hey I'm not necessarily always nice as you've seen before.


  1. Hey there, don't worry about the guilt thing - I know I would have the exact same reaction, crochet and all :) Your true fans know that the end result is always well worth it. You never publish anything until you have the entire story done, for which I am very grateful,. I hate the wait and the wondering if the author will ever finish a promising story, and often they dont! With you, I have the assurance that I will get the pay-off.
    I hope things get better soon. I don't know much about your son's illness, but what little I do know makes me so sympathetic and inspires admiration for the courage and patience required.
    Good luck and take your time - we will wait :)

  2. I agree with ginge53! We will wait because your stories have never disappointed us and we enjoy them! I enjoy re-reading them also :). Hope this finds you well!

  3. Thanks for the update - take your time with the story - good ones take time, BUT PLEASE give us status updates every couple of weeks so we know you are still alive.


  4. I have always found your stories well written. When they come out, I love that there are updates every day. I know that to achieve that level of awesomeness and frequency of new chapters, there has to be down time between stories. Take all the time you need. The wait is always worth it! Real life always comes first. I'm a PICU RN so I can understand the challenges of a chronically ill child. Hope you are feeling better after all of the physical therapy.


  5. Take your time. Your writing is worth the wait. And I truly appreciate the fact that you post the completed story all at once. Thanks for sharing your talent.
