Saturday, March 30, 2013

A New Unit Member

Oh me oh my what do we have here? A non dead me to start with but then another sneak peek...just so you know I'm still going at it. I'm almost to the point where it splits and I go wild without worrying about where this or that person is woohooo!! I know it's been a very long wait and I appreciate you all waiting so patiently. I hope it's worth the wait.

Booth heard weird growling and hissing noise from his left. Jerking his head around he almost yelled in surprise when he saw what Goodman was holding.

“What the hell is that?” He asked, his voice an octave higher than normal.

Goodman chuckled and reached into his pocket. Breaking off a piece of snack bread from his rations he held it out to the growling animal in his hands.

“It's a long eared hedgehog. He started visiting us while we were waiting. So, I started feeding it whenever he came over. He decided to come home with us,” Goodman said, with a grin.

“Those things are rats, they could carry the bubonic plague,” Booth said, grimacing. Goodman burst into laughter and shook his head.

“They're just as likely to carry an infectious disease as any other wild animal. Not all of them carry diseases, Sarge. As long as I wash my hands it shouldn't be a problem and they're not rats,” he said, letting the animal roll up in his palm.

“Yeah, well he's sleeping with you,” Perkins said, glaring at the little animal.


  1. Great to hear from you again. The sneak peak was a real teaser. Bodes well for the future.


  2. So glad to know it's still going on and that there is more hope than ever for more B&B or L&M action :) yay!!! you just made my Easter! It's comparable to having more chocolate to enjoy :P bliss!!! xox

  3. looking back at your posts, I realized it has been a year since you teased us with Booth finding out Bones is preggers :( ... no worries you haven't lost me yet! keep up the awesome writing.

    1. I know I know *hangs head shamefully* In my defense it's been a busy year and I am still handwriting. Story is moving in my mind better now but that's because right now I don't have time to write. Go figure.

  4. no it can't possibly be that long....of course she wrote about Michelle and Legates since then. But of course re reading her stories (every last one of them!) helps the waiting process. Diko I can't wait til we either get another sneek peak or our first chapter you are such a great writer!

    1. No previews on what I'm currently working on sorry! This part is totally spoiler free ;) As soon as I can get to a part I'll get another sneak peek up! Promise
