Thursday, August 16, 2012

Thoughts about sequel

As I am working on both sequels (Sloooowwwllly. Thank you summer break =/) I am perusing a honeymoon. I'm wondering...should I put a paragraph long blurb and write it as a free standing story or put it in the story and possibly make it waaaayyy longer ....So, I'm asking your opinion..what do ya'll think?


  1. Would love a longer piece - I'm assuming you would let your SMUT muse have free rein :) and also have some fun while you (they?) are at it.

    I've been missing your contributions and have resorted to re-re-re-reading your other stories. Hope the muse is being co-operative.


  2. I definitely want more than a paragraph but don't need an epic honeymoon story either. ;)

    I'm re-reading the story arch to see if I overlooked anything the first time. Can't wait for more - have a great weekend!

  3. Eh, unfortunately it's one or the other. They're having a two week honeymoon and I'm enjoying planning it for them =/.

  4. LOL...I bet you are! You know we'll be happy with whatever crumbs you throw at us *snicker*

  5. I would love to have it in the story. So it doesn't seem like we missed something completely. Watch out for your smut on FanFiction they are cutting stories left and right.
