Tuesday, July 22, 2014

I have made a decision

Freeze...No I haven't given up. Yes, I realized it's been a very long time since I posted. I feel I should do 2 things okay 3 then.

1. I am still alive and yes still writing
2. Explain why it's taking so long.
3. For my blog followers...and just for you post the first chapter of Hunted (I haven't finished the rest of the name for the title yet).

Okay explanation. I've been thinking on this since the season finale this year. I adored the season finale and I believe that it's because this was the Bones I wanted, this was the Bones that I've been missing for the last two years or so. I understand not everyone feels the way that I do and of course I am always open to discourse on the subject :) as long as it's friendly.

The writers have primarily done a very good job in avoiding the Moonlighting curse. There is however a small degree of it and it has turned me off a bit. In the premier Brennan was a little sciency (yes I know that's not a word) but she did know slang. When Peter broke into her apartment for his TV she said 'So you pick my first day back for a bootie call?'  I wrote that off as the season progressed as a 'I'm getting to know my characters thing' No biggie. So, Brennan became the obtuse, socially unable to fit in, scientist we all know and love.  Second season we see Booth and Brennan bonding on a more personal level and can (if you look close) start to see Brennan evolve (which as we know takes a long time)

She had made serious headway before the end of season 5. Which gave fanfiction writers so much material (not that there was a serious lack of it mind you). Through out this personal growth we had villains on a pretty mundane (average) level but there was always that one pain in the ass that came back way too often. Season two was Howard Epps. Slimeball extraordinaire, yes he was evil but you know what...he had character. Season 3 Gormogon or as Booth would say Gorgonzola. Poor Zack I still miss him. Season 4 brought in the grave digger (which was also seen in season 2).

Season four we had Pam Nunan which no she wasn't a serial killer but she was an interesting case. There have always been those through out every season. Then came season 6 which yes, I hated Hannah Burley with a passion but she was a necessary evil that made some fans (myself included) want to vomit and smack the crap out of her. This brought about and abrupt evolution in Brennan emotionally. It was an accepted and understandable evolution. Holy crap I missed my chance! It also brought Broadsky and his reign of terror. And of course the end of the grave digger. Was I the only one not bothered by that killers brains splattered everywhere? Creepy bitch.

Now Season 7 the pair are together and we still have disagreements that take more than one episode to solve. And Pelant this man was a complete waste of writers time. He was predictable, easy to spot, motives where shown very early in his career as a serial killer. Boooorrrrinnng then God almighty they brought him back for season eight. The only thing I truly remember about season eight that I adored (and I laughed so hard at) was at the end of episode two where Booth cracked a fart joke.   Which brought about the ghost killer blah blah more bland serial killers. Sigh I was actually getting bored with Bones and I was ready to cry.

But it was BONES so I kept on watching. Then they got married, yes I cried like a baby. I was so happy but the shows following made me want to cry for a different reason. Booth and Brennan had fundamentally changed. Sometimes good and sometimes bad. To me it seemed to be a primarily bad thing. Brennan has seemed to me (now mind you this is just my opinion) to leave all her values, ideas, and beliefs behind. She changed the way she wanted to be buried in one episode. There was no ongoing discussion or even a compromise. It was fine you want to put me in a grave yard in a six foot deep hole then go ahead. Whaa? Each and every problem they had ended up being what Booth wanted because she just bent over and took it. What the hell happened to the Temperance Brennan that had no problem with debating her beliefs? That defended them. She used to take the time to discuss these things with him and both parties would listen. They may have gotten angry but eventually they met on common ground.

Now however it's whatever he wants either by brief explanation from him, Angela, or Sweets and by the end of the show everyone is happy. WTF??? Now I'm not one for major angst (ie Hannah Burley) but come on a little would be good. Anyway there you have the reason with my struggling muse. Scarily, I was rereading my Harry Potter books and went hmmm but I'm just sketching notes on those while I try to finish this. I may have more luck with Legates and Michelle which I'll be going back to take a look at them. Until then I will post the first chapter since it is complete. It will be the post following this as I believe this one is getting rather long.


  1. Glad you are still kicking. Looking forward to more stories.


  2. I feel the same about last season, hoping brennans kick ass attitude comes back into play this season as booth us in danger and really hoping u finish the series

  3. So glad that you are still with us. Well worth the wait. I can't wait to read the preview.


  4. Checking on you?


  5. PLEASE continue your story New Beginnings / Hunted. I am addicted to your well written discourse as much as I love BONES the show has evolved into something that I no longer really follow. You give the characters amazing attributes and your storylines are gripping! Please consider completing your fiction. I have read all your stories and absolutely love them!!! MIM and ep in DC are amazing and i loved Twelve days of Christams, Jen was hilarious!!!
