Sunday, November 19, 2017

Today is a sad day for me. I was sent a private message that was rather blunt but entirely fair. I'm going to tell a small story.

I began writing in 2006 while I was pregnant, not that I had the nerve to post until I posted Lock Down in the Lab in 2011. I made a promise to myself that I wouldn't post a story that was not completed. In 2008 I tried to commit suicide by eating a bottle of vicodine. I was diagnosed as Bi-polar type 2 and had been suffering since I was a teenager. Over the next few years my medications were played with and there was no noticeable change in my mental facilities. My medications were limited due to already being a diabetic and on an insulin pump.  Finally I felt calm and thought I would be able to sit down and write.

However this was not the case. One of the medications I was treated with is called Lamictal, it is an anti-seizure medication used for mood stabilizers. One of the side effects is that over time you begin to suffer from cognitive degeneration. Basically, I was getting progressively dumber. We have backed off the medication but things are still moving very slowly.

I love my stories like they're my babies, I put a lot of heart and soul into them and I hate that I have left them unfinished and worse yet, you my lovely readers hanging. Sooooooo, I'm going to offer up my Murder in Maluku series for adoption. I will give you what I've already written, my notes, thoughts, and ideas to do with as you please. If you are interested please pm or post below. Everything is on Google Docs and I'm willing to share.

I'm not done writing but I won't be posting anything for a while and anything I will post will be completely finished if it's a trilogy all three stories. I promise to not leave you hanging again. I know you're all Bones fans but I'm playing a bit with Dr. Who and Harry Potter.


  1. sorry for your troubles. my dad had bipolar disorder. he was lucky he was able to be stabilized on lithium for 40 years with just a few incidence of manic phases. it was hard on his body and on the family. i hope things go better for you.

  2. I'm sorry to hear about your disorder, but I'm very happy that you're prioritising yourself.
    While I'd love to see more of your writing, you are so much more important.
    I'm impressed by your strength to make this decision.
    Knowing what to do and actually doing it is two completely different things.

    Take care!

  3. I'm just wondering if the murder in Maliki series is still up for adoption. I've been folowing it since the first one and absolutely loved first comes love.

  4. Did anyone ever adopt the Murder in Maluku series? I would love to.see where it goes!
