Friday, November 30, 2012

The Silence

I must apologize for the silence. I'm trying very hard to work on my stories and I am making a little progress but once again real life gets in the way. Physical therapy was very rough on me and I have to try four weeks of aquatic therapy and I'm thinking it's not going to be any better. It's hard to write when you're in so much pain you're constantly getting sick.

On that Note.....

RealMcCoy17: I really appreciate the reviews and would love nothing better than to give you a reply to them. However, you do not have a FFN account, I looked for you. I understand that you're excited about the sequels and want them "NOW" but pressure will not get them done faster. Pressure runs my muse off and irritates me. I'm unsure if you meant it or not but when you start a review with the word okay it tells me that you're irritated. That does not help either that just pisses me off. As much as I would like to devote 100% of my time to fan fiction it just doesn't work that way. 

 I don't even know if RealMcCoy17 will read this but I need to say it! I believe that I am having such a hard time with Hunted because I made them out to be super heroes and now I have to fix that. I have to pull them back into the human realm. So it's making me constantly double think my conversations, ideas and actions for them. I maybe strangling my own muse.

Thanks for all your support guys I really do appreciate it!

Friday, November 2, 2012


Booth sat in the driver’s seat and watched as Legates traipsed towards them then climbed into the Humvee.
“He’s staying,” Legates grunted, still having that sinking sensation in his stomach.
“Okay,” Booth mumbled as that shiver crawled up his spine again..
“Why are we doing this again, Sarge?” Wilson asked, glaring at Booth.
“Because, Wilson, this is what Pelant told us to do,” Booth said between clenched teeth. His fingers tightened around the steering wheel, making his knuckles turn white. The men sang loud and off key as they drove through the streets of Kabul. If he hadn’t been wearing a helmet or driving, Booth would have grabbed his hair and yanked. On second thought, it was just the helmet because if he crashed the Humvee they’d stop singing. He ground his teeth through the Llama song, it took everything he had to try hard not to cry when they started the next song.
“Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana,” Legates sang.
“Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana,” Techie joined in so they were both singing.
“Ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-nana,” Wilson belted out, making Booth cringe at the destruction of the Beach Boys song with the spoof. They continued to sing in what sounded like utter gibberish for several more verses.
PO-TAE-TOH-OH-OH,” Wilson yelled out. Booth bit back the urge to want to smack himself in the face. It was funny but at the same time very scary.  Grinding his teeth, he clenched the wheel and tried to remember they were on his side. They had just gotten to thirty bottles of beer on the wall and he was going nuts, it was worse than a road trip with Parker. He let out a relieved sigh when he pulled the Humvees to a stop. Scanning the area, the men checked to see if there was any danger. Spotting the other patrol next to their vehicles in what was clearly a lounging position, they scrambled 



Still working and though everyone was up for a good laugh =). The links are to the songs on youtube.